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This is a recent hobby that has been a pleasant surprise for me. I had no idea how satisfying it could be to take random thoughts and shape them into a blog. This not only allowed me to share my thoughts with others but also provided me with further clarity. You can access all my blogs by following this link.

Some of my blogs and there summary are:

Everything is a Language: Deciphering Our Reality

This blog is about understanding that everything is a language. We go through a throught process to and look at emotions, music, mathematics, physics — each of which serves as a unique language that enables us to decipher the reality we exist in. This blog tries to show how every experience, every interaction, and every observation is an opportunity to learn a new word, a new sentence, or a new grammar rule in this universal language of life. This realisation, in turn, equips us to better interpret, appreciate, and navigate the intricate tapestry of reality.

Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)

In this blog (The Repo Rate: A Powerful Toy in a Complex System Leading to the Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)), I have shared my opinions on the blatant exploitation of the control over repo rate by the independent authority of Federal Reserve that led to the ongoing recession starting from 2022 and collapse of several banks including the Silicon Valley Bank. This blog looks at the problem through the lens of control systems, a field of study that deals with complex systems and their controllability.

The Real Price of Convenience: Unpacking Bangalore’s Exorbitant Cab Fares

Bangalore has been suffering from sky-rocketing cab fares and several traffic jams. This has led to a cycle of blame games and frustration that is visible on everyone’s face stuck in traffic. However, the problem is much deeper rooted in the fundamentals of city planning and the hustle culture of the city. In this blog, we try to see what are those fundamental issues and how can we try to solve them.